Ken- Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo Guide


New Videos with Input Display coming soon for Ken!

Basic Terminology for tutorials

Jab = Light Punch = Button (LP)

Strong = Medium Punch = Button (MP)

Fierce = Hard Punch = Button (HP)

Short = Light Kick = Button (LK)

Forward = Medium Kick Button (MK)

Roundhouse = Hard Kick (Button (HK)

AP = Any Punch

AK = Any Kick

Ken Special Moves

Note: Keep in mind that all special moves have 3 different levels of strength and each one will work better depending on the situation and the character the opponent is using.

Fireball (Hadouken)


Hurricane Kick (Tatsumaki Senpuu Kiaku)


Dragon Punch (Shoryuken)


Super Cancel input guide:


This is the input guide for super cancels with fireball motion. If you look at the motions, you will notice that there is no + sign between the down motion and the medium kick (MK). The reason for this is that the MK needs to be pressed between the down and down/forward motions and then the MP is done simultaneously as you press forward.

Ken Juice Kick combos Tutorial

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