Boxer (Balrog) – Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo Guide


Boxer is a very powerful character. He has no projectiles, but his dash punches are lighting fast and he has devastating combos. His super is probably the best in the game due to how safe it is in many situations, the high level of damage and the fact that you can buffer the super.

Basic Terminology for tutorials

Jab = Light Punch = Button (LP)

Strong = Medium Punch = Button (MP)

Fierce = Hard Punch = Button (HP)

Short = Light Kick = Button (LK)

Forward = Medium Kick Button (MK)

Roundhouse = Hard Kick (Button (HK)

AP = Any Punch

AK = Any Kick

Boxer Special Moves

Note: Keep in mind that all special moves have 3 different levels of strength and each one will work better depending on the situation and the character the opponent is using.

Turn Punch AKA Tap (press for at least half a second and release)

3punchesatonceor3kicksatonceIt can be done with x3kicks or x3 punches and you can charge two taps by pressing all six and releasing one set at a time.

Straight Rush (yellow button means charge for roughly 2 seconds)


Upper Rush


Ground Rush 


 Buffalo Headbutt (the motion is down, up, but charging down back is essential because it allows you to keep the charge for any forward charge moves)


Balrog Super



Balrog Super Cancels and buffers

Balrog Jab super cancels

Balrog Pro level Super Cancels (do not attempt without learning the basic cancels first)

Balrog Walk Forward after throw and Super

This move is not a stored super. It has to be buffered and the video shows the inputs in real time and slow motion. The great thing about this particular move is that it tricks the players into thinking you will do a crossup, but when done correctly, rog will do a quick back dash and then super instead of crossing over. Extremely deadly and useful and definitely better than the good old crouching roundhouse alternative that is often used.

Turn Around Punch (TAP) Guide

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