Fightcade 101: Everything you need to know about the platform

Fightcade Network Arcade Gaming

This article is about one of the greatest contributions that has been made to the fighting game community online. Fightcade is a platform that has been based on GGPO which used to be the top platform for online arcade gaming, but due to lack of support and maintenance from the creators, the system stopped working properly, but Fightcade was created by Spanish programmer Pau Oliva, who goes by the name “POF”.

The system currently offers a very smooth online gaming experience for anyone who is able to have a ping 180 or less. A ping of 180 will allow for a decent experience and a ping of 70 or 50 will have virtually no lag issues at all.

All you have to do is install the client and login and you are set to go. Create a username at the Fightcade website and start playing the games with the proper roms. There is also an option to play the games offline in case you want to practice against the computer.

A ROM is a software representation of a game. We are not going to show you specific links to download fightcade roms, but there are plenty of sites that have legitimate access to these files. There are many great arcade titles that are still quite fun and definitely worth checking out.

Some of the best games that are currently available on Fightcade include the following:

Note: you can check stats for each game on the links below. They include the rankings of the players by amount of hours per game.

-Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo

-Hyper Street Fighter 2 Anniversary Edition

-Street Fighter 3

-Art of Fighting 2

-Samurai Showdown 5

-King of Fighters 99

-Marvel super heroes vs Street Fighter

-Double Dragon

-World Heroes Perfect

-Fatal Fury Series


-Metal Slug X

-Final Fight

-Metal Slug X

-Ghouls N Ghosts

-Garou Mark of the Wolves

-Knights of the Round

Playing games in places like Fightcade is allowing people to compete against people all over the world. This is the best way to make gaming communities grow and it allows people from smaller countries to get exposure and play against the best players in other areas far away from their location.

That is one of the best ways for people to get better at a game. The exposure to a higher level of players is extremely useful and games like Street Fighter 2, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo and the KOF series have a large following on Fightcade with no less than 20 to 30 people playing on each of those games most of the time and hundreds can be gathered when there are tournaments going on.

What’s in store for Fightcade in 2016 and beyond?

We talked to POF recently and he mentioned that there will be some additions to Fightcade soon. Some of the most notable upgrades will include a win counter and a ranking system based on the ELO ranking system. According to POF, support for many other titles in the Alpha FB library will also be incorporated in the future.

The retro gaming online community continues to grow thanks to places like Fightcade and hopefully there will be more support given to these amazing games that stand the test of time and continues to gain new followers even with so many realistic games out there.

Download fightcade here>>